Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Nana Scares us to death

Papa, Grandma, and I were sitting outside on he porch, while Nana was in the restroom. We hear something fall and it sounds like something more than a box or trashcan. We listen for a sec and grandma says,"Linda." No answer. Papa says,"Linda!" No answer. "Linda," No answer. We get up (rather quickly) and run inside. Papa yells, "Linda!" Multiple more times, each with no answer. Then he proceeds to try to open the door (which is locked) and there's still no answer.

An example of the type of lock Papa was about to break through to rescue his love
This is an image of the type of latch. Not exactly easy to break in. So on the 3rd "bump of the door," Nana starts yelling "Hey! What's going on?" 

Good grief. Now my adrenaline can subside.

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